NTC abstracts the complexity of infrastructure and allows us to focus on delivering business value.

The Federal Office of Meteorology and Climatology MeteoSwiss is the national weather service of Switzerland. MeteoSwiss observes the weather around the clock, creating weather forecasts and alerting authorities and population, when strong winds, heavy rainfall, storms or heat waves are forecast. In addition, it provides weather services for the civil, military and private aviation.

The office also carries out a program of research and development to understand the weather and climate in the Alps.

How did we help?

MeteoSwiss embarked on an ambitious mission to migrate approximately 200 applications to AWS, a task that required the establishment of a compliant and scalable AWS Landing Zone & Foundation to uphold their critical operations.

The introduction of the Nuvibit Terraform Collection (NTC) marked a pivotal moment in this digital transformation. NTC enabled MeteoSwiss to quickly establish a mature AWS Landing Zone & Foundation, significantly reducing the time and effort involved. In addition to streamlining the infrastructure, we have empowered the teams with the necessary skills to thrive on AWS. As a result, MeteoSwiss can now redirect their focus toward strengthening solution teams and fostering innovation.

With NTC by their side, MeteoSwiss is ready for any forecast and can also weather a storm in the cloud.

The Nuvibit Terraform Collection (NTC) streamlines AWS security and compliance at scale.
Experience the simplest and most efficient approach to Compliance as Code.